World Sailing releases final fleet rankings of 2022
World Sailing today – 1 November 2022 - released the final fleet rankings of 2022, giving sailors an accurate record of their progress throughout the year.
Qualification for the 2023 Allianz Sailing World Championships, The Hague, will be calculated using a combination of the 2022 Class World Championship Results and the Fleet Rankings (as of 31 December 2022).
All Olympic Fleets, except the Mixed 470 which only became a graded event after Tokyo 2020, now carry 2x World Championships (200pts) in the ranking calculation with the remaining points accumulated from World Cups (200pts), other multi-class or Continental Regattas (100pts) and smaller, emerging and Regional Regattas (50pts).
The final rankings are available to view here.
This year the Fleet Rankings moved to a new website ahead of a revised model due to be launched in 2023 which is aimed to better balance the weighting of regattas to reflect and reward new and developing Regattas and support non-European sailors.
Any questions or errors should be sent to rankings@sailing.org. Errors must be received before 12:00 UTC on Thursday 3 November for the rankings to be re-calculated, thereafter the rankings will be Final until the next publication in early 2023.
It is the responsibility of the Competitor and/or Event Organising Authority to check and report any error.
For more information, please refer to the World Sailing website or contact rankings@sailing.org.