Special Feature: Re-shaping Sport and Development

Alexandra Rickham, Head of Sustainability at World Sailing and two-time Paralympic sailing medallist, throws the spotlight on why diversity is key to success as part of a global campaign by the world’s leading sport and development portal sportanddev.org. 

“Diversity promotes creativity, unique perspectives, new opportunities and ultimately good sportsmanship.

“We know that’s not all – around the world we are living in a more diverse society, and sport must be representative of our society for us to have a bond with it.

“Sports that are not fully representative will ultimately alienate our changing society and fail.

“For this reason, amongst others, the sailing community feels a responsibility to support and grow Para Sailing and is backing World Sailing’s bid to be reinstate sailing in the Paralympic Games for LA28.”

Read more here: https://www.sportanddev.org/en/article/news/why-diversity-global-sport-so-vital